Sofia Laurden-Davis Adams

An Early Women Entrepreneur – Dr. Sofia Empowers Women Through Her Example

People born in the dark age of 1960 had no access to technology, education, or electricity the way we have now. It was a difficult time, but it paved the way to forge remarkable people. One such example is Dr. Sofia Laurden-Davis Adams, who remarkably started her entrepreneurial streak at the age of 12.

In her memoir, The River of Life, she penned a testament to the strength, resilience, and determination that define her character. Her father’s sudden paralysis instilled in her the values of grit and resourcefulness. These qualities became the cornerstones of her entrepreneurial spirit, leading her to become the main breadwinner of the house at 12.

Entrepreneurship Takes Root

Starting with some real questions! How and when does entrepreneurship take root? Many psychologists try to answer the question, but the answer is often found among the families of the underprivileged. People with fewer resources often have to learn resourcefulness to make ends meet. As the parents practice this skill in front of children, the kids learn and improve themselves from an early age. Therefore, we conclude that even though it can be learned, entrepreneurship is most effective when passed as a generational heirloom.

Similarly, for Dr. Sofia, it seems like entrepreneurship was planted in her at a young age. Her mother used to bargain with fishermen to buy and sell fish almost on a daily basis. This consistent exchange of offers laid the foundation for Sofia’s own path. The lessons she learned during these formative years would go on to define her future as a successful entrepreneur.

Empowering Women Through Example

Starting early and starting with less is the key to improving success in entrepreneurship. The reason is that you learn to fully utilize your resources when you start with less. This skill of resourcefulness is the cornerstone of most entrepreneurs and thus guides them to success.

In an inspiring example for women worldwide, Dr. Sofia’s life story exudes the message of determination and resourcefulness. Her transformation from a young girl selling fish to a successful entrepreneur and Ph.D. scholar in the United States is a source of motivation for women of all backgrounds. Through her memoir, she shares her experiences, demonstrating that adversity can be a stepping stone to success.


Dr. Sofia Laurden-Davis Adams’ life, as detailed in her memoir, is the message of empowerment. Through the book, she aims to guide women worldwide towards determination and resourcefulness. While being at the age of 60, she is still passionate and eager to help people through her experience.

Her book The Memoir: The River of Life is a tool for empowerment that brings out the hidden potential within us. She has not just published a book, rather it’s a a complete blueprint for overcoming life’s challenges. Regardless of background, gender, or social standing, every reader will benefit from reading this book.Making life better for others is what Dr. Sofia aims to do, and her book is certainly effective for her goal. The book is now available online.

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